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Product Definition

Yamel Senih...About 5 minProductDocumentationData Management

In ADempiere a product is an item, resource or service that can be be produced, sold or purchased by the company. The registration of these allows the company to track the entry and exit of products. In the same way, it allows knowing and controlling its quantity in existence to proceed with the purchase, sale or acquisition thereof.

This material aims to offer you an efficient explanation of the procedure to follow to register a product in ADempiere ERPopen in new window.

In the ADempiere menu, locate and select the "Data Management" folder. Materials", then select the folder "Material Management Rules Materials" and finally select the window "Product", I attached image for reference.

ADempiere menu

Image 1. ADempiere Menu

This window registers the main data that the company requires knowledge of the products, in order to be used at the time of making a purchase / sale with said product. Each one of the fields with the symbol (*) are required for the Registration.

You will be able to see the "Product" window, where you must select the icon "New Registration", which is located in the toolbar ADempiere tools.

New Record Icon

Image 2. New Registration Icon

Select in the field "Organization", the organization for the which is registering the product.

Organization Field

Image 3. Organization field


To make the product available to all organizations, it must be registered with the organization in (*) as Otherwise the product will only be available for a single organization.

Enter in the "Code" field, the code for the product you is registering, this code is defined by a standard of encoding established in ERPyAopen in new window for the lve/standard-coding/product{.interpreted-text role="ref"}.

Code Field

Image 4. Code field

Enter in the "Name" field, the name of the product you are registering.

Field Name

Image 5. Name field

Enter in the "Description" field, a brief description corresponding to the product you are registering.

Field Description

Image 6. Description field

Enter in the "Document Note" field, any additional information you deem necessary.

Document Note Field

Image 7. Document Note field

Enter in the "UPC/EAN" field, the barcode corresponding to the product you are registering.


Image 8. UPC/EAN field

Enter in the field "Storage UM (SKU)", the unit of measure product storage.

Storage UM Field

Image 9. Storage UM field

Select in the "Product Category" field, the category to which the product you are registering belongs, the selection of this defines the behavior of the product that is being registered, This behavior is explained in the document document/product-category{.interpreted-text role="ref"} prepared by ERPyAopen in new window.

Product Category Field

Image 10. Product Category Field

Select in the "Product Group" field, the group to which belongs to the product you are registering, the selection of this defines the behavior of the product that is being registered, said behavior is explained in the document document/product-group{.interpreted-text role="ref"} prepared by ERPyAopen in new window.

Product Group Field

Image 11. Product Group Field

Select in the "Product Class" field, the class to which belongs to the product you are registering.

Product Class Field

Image 12. Product Class field

Select in the field "Product Classification", the classification to which the product you are registering belongs.

Product Classification Field

Image 13. Product Classification field

Select in the field "Tax Category", the group tax applies to the product you are registering.

Tax Category Field

Image 14. Tax Category field

Select in the field "Type of Tax", the type of tax applicable to the product you are registering.

Tax Type Field

Image 15. Tax Type field

Enter in the "Group 1" field, the group to which the product.

Group 1 Field

Image 16. Group 1 field

Enter in the field "Group 2", the additional group to which the product belongs.

Group 2 Field

Image 17. Group 2 field

Select in the field "Income Recognition", as they will be recognized revenue for the product.

Entry Recognition Field

Image 18. Income Acknowledgment Field

Enter in the field "Product Line", the classification to group the product.

Product Line Field

Image 19. Product Line Field

Select in the field "UM", the unit of measure of the product.

UM Field

Image 20. UM field

Select in the field "Company Agent", the purchasing agent of the product you are registering.

Company Agent Field

Image 21. Agent Company field

Select in the field "Type of Product", the type of product which is registering.

Product Type Field

Image 22. Product Type Field

Select in "Mail Pattern", the template used for be sent to business partners regarding the product.

Mail Pattern Field

Image 23. Mail Pattern Field

Enter in the "Weight" field, the weight of the product you are registering.

Weight Field

Image 24. Weight field

Enter in the "Volume" field, the volume of the product you is registering.

Volume Field

Image 25. Volume field

Enter in the "Minimum Weight" field, the minimum weight of the product you are registering.

Minimum Weight Field

Image 26. Minimum Weight Field

Enter in the "Maximum Weight" field, the maximum weight of the product you are registering.

Max Weight Field

Image 27. Maximum Weight Field

Select the checklist "Bulk Product", to indicate that the product you are registering is in bulk.

Bulk Product Field

Image 28. Bulk Product Field

Select in the "Freight Category" field, the category of freight to apply to the selected product.

Freight Category Field

Image 29. Freight Category field

Select the checklist "Direct Delivery", to indicate that the Shipments of the product you are registering will be made directly to the client business partner.

Direct Delivery Field

Image 30. Direct Delivery field

You will see the "Stored" checklist, indicating that the company stores the product you are registering.

Stored Field

Image 31. Stored Field

Select in the "Location" field, the location of storage within the company of the product you are registering.

Location Field

Image 32. Location field

Enter in the field "Shelf Width", the required width of the shelf to store the product you are registering.

Shelf Width Field

Image 33. Shelf Width Field

Enter in the field "Shelf Height", the required height of the shelf to store the product you are registering.

Shelf Field

Image 34. Shelf field

Enter in the "Shelf Depth" field, the depth required from the shelf to store the product you are registering.

Shelf Depth Field

Image 35. Shelf Depth field

Enter in the field "Units per Package", the number of units of the product you are registering that make up a package.

Units per Package Field

Image 36. Units per Package field

Enter in the field "Units per Pallet",

Units per Pallet Field

Image 37. Units per Pallet field

Select the "Discontinued" checklist, to indicate that the product is not available.

Field Discontinued

Image 38. Field Discontinued

Select in the "Type of Subscription" field, the type of product subscription.

Subscription Type Field

Image 39. Subscription Type field

Select the checklist "Exclude from Auto Delivery", to exclude the product of automatic delivery.

Field Exclude from Auto Delivery

Image 40. Field Exclude from Auto Delivery

Enter in the "Image Web Address" field, the url of the Product image.

Image Web Address Field

Image 41. Web Address Field Image

Enter in the "Web Address Description" field, the url of the Product description.

Web Address Field Description

Image 42. Web Address Field Description

Enter in the "Expiration Days" field, the number of days availability limit or guarantee of the product you are registering.

Expiration Days Field

Image 43. Expiration days field

Enter in the field "Minimum Expiration Days", the number minimum days limit of availability or guarantee of the product that is registering.

Minimum Expiration Days Field

Image 44. Minimum Days Expiration field

Select in the field "Set of Attributes", the attribute of the product you are registering.

Set Attribute Field

Image 45. Set of Attributes Field

Select in the "Attribute Set Instance" field, the set of attributes belonging to the product you are registering.

Attribute Set Instance Field

Image 46. Attribute Set Instance Field

Enter in the "CPE code" field, the CPE code belonging to to the product you are registering.

Image 47. CPE Code field

Select the "Save Changes" icon on the toolbar by ADempiere.

Product Tab Save Changes Icon

Image 48. Save Changes Icon

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