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FT/TT meeting minutes October 22nd 2013

ADempiere...About 10 minCommunityWikiMeetings



  • Moderator: Steven Sackett
  • Secretary: Mario Calderon
  • Participants: Cristina Ghita, Mario Calderon, Suman Ravuri, Victor Perez, Steven Sackett, Mike McKay, Trifon Trifonov (present)
  • Date / Time: Tuesday, October 22nd 2013 / 12:00h - 14:14h GMT
  • The meeting closed after 1 hour 21 mins


  1. Minutes of Previous Meeting
  2. Actions taken by RM
  3. Technical team reviews
  4. Functional Team reviews
  5. Actions to be taken
  6. Misc
  7. Next meeting

Minutes of Previous Meeting

Actions taken by RM

  • Manufacturing Light separate branch (ADEMPIERE-216-ManufacturingLite) creation and committed the changes. - Done
  • Deepak's Pedro Rozo's SmartJSP report changes integration - Done
  • Migration fixes of Smart Report and CurrencyExchange - Done
  • Configurable dashboards - In progress
  • Waiting for metas to fix the process gear which has unnecessary code changes and wrong migration scripts? If metas can not fix in certain time, we may need to revert the changes. Cristina will take care of it.
  • Horizontal tab is integrated in swing


  • Problems with hg and git
  • Mike's findings: on windows, the issue seemed to be Mercurial versions <= 2.7.1. The recent 2.7.2 version works well and has solved the issues.
  • One can now update to pre git revisions and back to the tip without issues.
  • Hasn't tried commits to the git repo yet.
  • Mike can move around and update normally and the git is removed or added without issue.
  • Suman tested and it works for him.
  • Mike's recommendation: try the thg.exe version of TortoiseHG instead of the thgw.exe version. The former is working for me. (TortoiseHG version 2.9.2 with mercurial 2.7.2.)
  • Configurable dashboards (Configurable Dashboards Blogopen in new window) will be added to RC
  • ZK versions of delete entities, GL Reconciliation and prettying up the html reports will be added to RC
  • Walking Tree's Human Resource enhancements on Libero HR would be a great addition, but too late for 380. Victor will see the possibility of integrating it and adding more functionality.
  • 29th October: cut of date for new features

Next meeting

  • Tuesday, October 29th 2013 / 12:00h. GMT


Following is the meeting log - time is in GMT -6

Tuesday, 22 October 2013
[05:59:36] suman ravuri: Hi All
[06:00:08] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Hi Suman
[06:00:38] suman ravuri: Hi Steve, Good Evening
[06:05:34] Michael McKay: Morning Steve, Suman.  Anyone else here yet?
[06:05:45] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): not yet
[06:05:47] Trifon Trifonov: hi everyone
[06:05:53] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): hi Trifon
[06:06:13] Michael McKay: I'll be in and out for the next 20 minutes.
[06:07:55] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): anyone know who else may be attending?
[06:09:40] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): for the record .. minutes of lastmeeting from Mario are here.
[06:11:54] Mario Calderón: hallo
[06:12:13] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Hi Mario
[06:12:28] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): This was Mario's summary of last meeting for reference ....Agenda

Minutes of Previous Meeting

Actions taken by RM

Technical team reviews

Functional Team reviews

Actions to be taken


Next meeting

Minutes of Previous Meeting

Actions taken by RM

postgres 9.3 is integrated

SmartJSP report improvments inprogress

Process Gear in Window Integrated

Autocomplete Integrated

Technical team reviews

not any announced

Functional team reviews

not any announced


Problems with updating repository

On windows

Problem solved (

Still, there might be people who face the problem, but ignore the solution

A page should be written, explaining the problem and the solution (not any responsible appointed)

Problems with Metas' contrbutions: seems that merging from original branches was wrong. Victor will help RM to overcome this.

Task on RM: to get the repository stable so tests can begin
[06:13:37] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Are we ready to start?
[06:13:43] Mario Calderón: yes
[06:14:00] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): we need s moderator ... volunteers?
[06:14:14] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): we need a secretry .. volunteers?
[06:14:40] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Mario .. will u be sec?
[06:15:02] Mario Calderón: +1
[06:15:52] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): in the absence of any other candidate :-(   I will be moderator?
[06:16:06] Mario Calderón: :) you're the chosen
[06:16:55] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): ok .. the main issue in the last meeting was related to git and mercurial .. we really need Victor to be part of any discussion on that matter however..
[06:17:38] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): we have Mike here hopefully .. who has been exploring the issue with new eyes and has written up some notes for guidance in the wiki.
[06:18:31] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): I would like Mike to  let us know his thoughts
[06:18:46] Mario Calderón: if not, he could put his observations here when he bounces back?
[06:20:16] Michael McKay: First, the main thing is to keep the processes as simple as possible so that developers can contribute without frustration and problems.  Both HG and Git are designed to do their job simply.  The issue is getting them to work together simply.
[06:21:52] Michael McKay: On windows, the issue for me seemed to be Mercurial versions <= 2.7.1. The recent 2.7.2 version works well and has solved the issues.  I can now update to pre git revesions and back to the tip without issues.  I have not tried commits to the git repo yet.
[06:22:22] Mario Calderón: so your recommendation?
[06:22:52] Michael McKay: I'm not sure if others have problems and I'd like to know Suman's experience and issues - are they still holding things up.
[06:23:18] suman ravuri: Hi Mike, have you tried switching between repos?
[06:23:38] suman ravuri: I mean branches?
[06:24:11] Michael McKay: Yes.  I can move around and update normally and the git is removed or added without issue.
[06:25:12] suman ravuri: did you try with simple commit?
[06:25:24] suman ravuri: after switching braches
[06:25:45] Michael McKay: No.  I can do so later this morning.  Is that where you are having issues?
[06:26:13] suman ravuri: yes
[06:26:35] suman ravuri: I need to manually remove and add git repos manually
[06:26:53] suman ravuri: I am using older version of hg
[06:26:57] suman ravuri: that could be the problem
[06:29:16] suman ravuri: I will upgrade hg and verify once
[06:29:44] Michael McKay: 2.7.2 fixed the error of invalid handles that was preventing updates.  It works on the command line, but not with TortoiseHG - there I have to use the command line version.
[06:30:33] suman ravuri: I am using tortoisehg to simply integration work
[06:30:51] suman ravuri: sourcetree is also started working in windows
[06:31:28] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): so, what is next steps?
[06:31:49] suman ravuri: if sourcetree can work with latest hg then that can be one good option
[06:32:15] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): when can that be tested?
[06:32:49] suman ravuri: I will get this tested tomorrow from my end
[06:34:37] Michael McKay: I'm my opinion, removing git now will be difficult.  If we can get the CM software to work (including both hg and git) in a simple fashion, we should proceed.  Undoing the hg repo at this point will be a major challenge.
[06:35:35] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Suman, your view? assuming it can be made to work as Mike outlined?
[06:36:40] suman ravuri: let me try with new hg and then I will be able to comment
[06:37:04] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): ok .. lets leave this till after some more testing .. agreed?
[06:37:12] Mario Calderón: ok
[06:37:38] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Suman, can you update us on what has been done in the last week please.
[06:38:09] suman ravuri: 1. Manufacturing Light separate branch(ADEMPIERE-216-ManufacturingLite) creation and committed the changes. - Done

2. Deepak's SmartJSP report changes integration - Done

3. Migration fixes of Smart Report and CurrencyExchange - Done

4. Configurable dashboards - Inprogress

Waiting for metas to fix the process gear which has unnecessary code changes and wrong migration scripts?If metas can not fix in certain time, we may need to revert the changes
[06:39:05] Victor Perez Juarez: So i think that we need Switch to git but can be after 380
[06:39:12] Mario Calderón: ok copied
[06:39:25] Mario Calderón: hi Victor
[06:40:30] Victor Perez Juarez: Hi
[06:40:40] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): @Suman, are you waiting for feedback from someone at Metas?
[06:40:58] suman ravuri: I sent mail to Cristina
[06:40:59] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): hi Victor..
[06:41:04] Michael McKay: One last point - Suman - try the thg.exe version of TortoiseHG instead of the thgw.exe version.   The former is working for me.  (TortoiseHG version 2.9.2 with mercurial 2.7.2.)
[06:41:22] suman ravuri: I expecting resposnse from her
[06:42:05] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): How long can you leave it to get some fixes?
[06:42:07] Victor Perez Juarez: suman you fix of 1000000 seq that i sent
[06:42:18] Victor Perez Juarez: Hi Steven
[06:42:25] suman ravuri: I fixed it for smartjsp report
[06:42:38] suman ravuri: for process gear I waiting for metas
[06:43:28] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): I would like to test the smartjsp changes .. is there somewhere i can connect to to see them?
[06:43:52] Victor Perez Juarez: Yes because now not is posible generare a seed
[06:44:28] suman ravuri:
[06:44:32] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): thanks
[06:45:23] Victor Perez Juarez: Suman i not see here of cash flow menu
[06:45:24] suman ravuri: can we request Metas if they can fix it
[06:45:43] Victor Perez Juarez: I think that sql is missed
[06:46:36] suman ravuri: I will check this and get back to you
[06:47:14] Victor Perez Juarez: What was conclusión can then add WM as other git sub repository ?
[06:48:35] suman ravuri: as Mike tested it seems it works well with latest hg
[06:48:43] suman ravuri: version
[06:48:58] suman ravuri: so I am ok to add this feature
[06:49:08] Victor Perez Juarez: Ok
[06:49:13] Mario Calderón: (whew)
[06:49:35] suman ravuri: :)
[06:50:12] Victor Perez Juarez: (y)
[06:50:14] suman ravuri: any opinion on adding configurable dashboards(
[06:50:26] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): +1
[06:51:11] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): like the idea .. not tried to test it ..
[06:51:38] Victor Perez Juarez: nice i think should integrate smart browse this way will be complete solution
[06:51:38] Mario Calderón: +1
[06:51:54] Victor Perez Juarez: +1
[06:53:05] suman ravuri: yes
[06:53:33] suman ravuri: Integrating smart browser with configurable dashboard would be ideal solution
[06:53:38] suman ravuri: I will try to get this in place
[06:53:50] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): I know we want to get quickly to a release ready for testing but there is also code for ZK versions of delete entities and GL Reconciliation and prettying up the html reports .. do people want these added?
[06:54:01] Victor Perez Juarez: Should be posible show SB in Dashboard
[06:54:46] suman ravuri: [6:24:42 PM] Steven:  prettying up the html reports

<<< is done
[06:54:53] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): good
[06:55:01] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): thanks
[06:55:12] Mario Calderón: +1
[06:55:45] suman ravuri: [6:24:42 PM] Steven: ZK versions of delete entities and GL Reconciliation

<<< If some can point some documentaion or codebase I will be able to get them
[06:56:03] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): will ask for
[06:56:22] Victor Perez Juarez: suman i saw that integrate horizontal tab is work in swing ?
[06:56:47] suman ravuri: yes Victor
[06:57:05] Victor Perez Juarez: Excellent
[06:57:20] suman ravuri: I don't have these changes already developed
[06:57:44] suman ravuri: I need to spend time, but it will not break swing funtionality
[06:58:05] Cristina Ghita: Hi Guys!

I do not really have time to participate now, 

BUt I intend to clean the branches that Suman merged today afternoon

And then Suman can merge them again and all problems should be solved
[06:58:06] Victor Perez Juarez: only work in zk then
[06:58:06] suman ravuri: if team insists on this, I can have this developed
[06:58:57] Mario Calderón: hi Cristina!
[06:59:25] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): is big job to do in swing?
[07:00:10] suman ravuri: hmm it looked like a simple job
[07:00:15] Victor Perez Juarez: It depend if we want disyncronizate swing vs zk
[07:00:16] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): hehe
[07:00:33] suman ravuri: but I need to evaluate once
[07:01:22] suman ravuri: I wil review this and share feedback to you tomorrow
[07:01:28] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Cristina, thanks for update
[07:01:34] Victor Perez Juarez: I rember it happen Mike improve and he has implement in zk
[07:05:28] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): @Suman, patch for 'delet entities' being sent to you
[07:05:43] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): not sure of status of other .. checking.
[07:05:53] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Move on?
[07:06:20] Mario Calderón: yes, pls
[07:06:22] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): When shall we plan to have  a release available for community testing .. soon I hope ;-)
[07:06:32] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): end of Oct?
[07:06:42] suman ravuri: 29th cut of date for new features?
[07:07:09] Mario Calderón: I suggest to stabilize code and as soon as it is done, close the RC and start community testing
[07:07:52] Mario Calderón: Victor, suman, Cristina, Mike: is it possible to get things done up to Oct. 29th?
[07:08:11] Victor Perez Juarez: @suman what happen WT can share hr db I need know of not i can start from zero
[07:09:18] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): @Victor, WT HR would be a great addition .. but too late for 380?
[07:09:26] suman ravuri: @Victor, Pradeep is out of station
[07:09:32] Cristina Ghita: from my point yes; we will clean our code in couple of days
[07:09:42] suman ravuri: I will get this approved soon from him
[07:09:47] Victor Perez Juarez: Yes from me i wait for sub repository decisión
[07:10:56] Victor Perez Juarez: @Steve no is for 380
[07:11:45] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): so, it sounds like a few small things and then we go to test.
[07:11:53] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): good to hear
[07:12:02] Victor Perez Juarez: But i need extend so need know if take WT work or star of zero
[07:12:04] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): any other matters relating to 380?
[07:12:54] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): I have one .. the question of cleaning gardenworld is still not clear to me. what is to be done and how?
[07:13:23] Victor Perez Juarez: What status with infraestructure changes?
[07:14:07] suman ravuri: postgres9.3 is in place
[07:14:56] Victor Perez Juarez: Jasper
[07:15:12] suman ravuri: Jaspet new jars are added
[07:15:19] suman ravuri: Jasper
[07:15:22] Victor Perez Juarez: Ok
[07:16:35] suman ravuri: [6:43:47 PM] Steven: I have one .. the question of cleaning gardenworld is still not clear to me. what is to be done and how?
<<< can we take this as part of community testing
[07:16:49] suman ravuri: phase
[07:17:49] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): I guess so
[07:18:09] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): any other matters?
[07:18:46] Victor Perez Juarez: No from me
[07:18:49] suman ravuri: I would request metas to fix process changes as early as possible
[07:18:59] suman ravuri: process gear changes
[07:19:28] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): and Suman, you will advise us of your testing re git rather than wait till next week?
[07:20:02] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): ok .. we end the meeting?
[07:20:09] suman ravuri: re git means?
[07:20:29] suman ravuri: my testing with git?
[07:20:30] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): the repository testing .. trying new version as Mike suggested.
[07:20:34] suman ravuri: yes
[07:20:43] suman ravuri: got it
[07:20:49] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): ok .. are we finished?
[07:21:07] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): ok .. bye all
[07:21:23] Victor Perez Juarez: Bye All
[07:21:23] Mario Calderón: bye
[07:21:27] suman ravuri: bye
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